Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Android GUI Architecture

The Android environment adds yet another Graphical User Interface (GUI) toolkit to the Java ecosphere, joining AWT, Swing, SWT, and J2ME (leaving aside the web UI toolkits). If you’ve worked with any of these, the Android framework will look familiar. Like them, it is single-threaded, event-driven, and built on a library of nestable components.
The Android UI framework is, like the other UI frameworks, organized around the common Model-View-Controller pattern illustrated in Figure. It provides structure and tools for building a Controller that handles user input (like key presses and screen taps) and a View that renders graphical information to the screen.

The Model
The Model is the guts of your application: what it actually does. It might be, for instance, the database of tunes on your device and the code for playing them. It might be your list of contacts and the code that places phone calls or sends IMs to them.

While a particular application’s View and Controller will necessarily reflect the Model they manipulate, a single Model might be used by several different applications. Think, for instance, of an MP3 player and an application that converts MP3 files into WAV files. For both applications, the Model includes the MP3 file format and codecs for it. The former application, however, has the familiar Stop, Start, and Pause controls, and plays the track. The latter may not produce any sound at all; instead, it will have controls for setting bitrate, etc. The Model is all about the data.

The View
The View is the application’s feedback to the user. It is the portion of the application responsible for rendering the display, sending audio to speakers, generating tactile feedback, and so on. The graphical portion of the Android UI framework’s View, is implemented as a tree of subclasses of the View class. Graphically, each of these objects represents a rectangular area on the screen that is completely within the rectangular area represented by its parent in the tree. The root of this tree is the application window.

The Controller
The Controller is the portion of an application that responds to external actions: a keystroke, a screen tap, an incoming call, etc. It is implemented as an event queue. Each external action is represented as a unique event in the queue. The framework removes each event from the queue in order and dispatches it.


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